
Scholarships & Classes & Passports, Oh My.

Upon returning from spring break, I finally met with the Program Coordinator for Caen. She helped me apply online to the university along with figure out which courses I will take while I'm there. We decided on the following: grammaire, composition et expression orale, littérature et histoire, presse spécialisée, France contemporaine, et langue et société. It may sound like a lot, but I have to take at least six classes there in order to be considered a full-time student. In France, university is a little bit different; one spends much more time in the classroom but isn't assigned nearly as much homework. So while I may be in the classroom for over twenty hours a week, I won't be spending as much time studying there as I do here. I'll come back from Caen with eighteen hours of upper-level French to add to my major requirements, which is awesome. Now that I've finished all of the application process for Baylor, I need to work on making it legal for me to study in France... aka renewing my passport and obtaining a visa at some point this summer.

I also received an email today informing me that I was awarded the scholarship that I applied for in February in the amount of $2,000. Any amount helps, so I'm extremely grateful for that. Now, if I could just get back into the habit of saving money with every paycheck that I receive... I plan on working a LOT this summer, plus I'll be living back at home. 150 days until my first day in Caen, and I cannot wait!

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