

I am, and have always been, obsessed with crossing things off of lists. I keep a ridiculously detailed planner for school and a wall calendar for other events at home. If I don't write it down, I write it down just so I can cross it off after I complete whatever task is at hand. It makes me feel that good.

The past two paychecks, I've crossed off depositing a rather large amount of money into my savings account for next fall. (So far it's still there!)

This past week, I've been able to cross off two tasks on my list of things to do before studying abroad: meet with the study abroad adviser, get a letter of recommendation. Upon meeting with the study abroad adviser, I picked up the course equivalency form that I will need in order to determine which classes I take in Caen will correspond with the classes offered here at Baylor. Today, I met with one of my favorite professors to ask him to write a letter of recommendation for me. He was more than happy to, and even more pleased that the deadline wasn't until April of 2010!

What can I say? I love getting things done (and crossing them off of my to-do list!).

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

You have always liked to cross things off your list.